Imprudence of Comparisons

Insecurity rides on public approval. It’s an ego inflater—the juice that fires locomotives of cowards. Talk of flying by the seat of one’s pants! Fantasy builds groundless castles, but no sooner than a little wind blows through, its smokescreen dissipates, and confidence is lost. That’s why the same mobs that attempted to forcefully install the miracle worker as king, only […]

Effluent: Slow But Sure Killer!

When computers entered the corporate marketplace, an accompanying idiom became popular among users—garbage in, garbage out! In other words, the newly invented wonder machine didn’t have capacity to convert bad data into good products. Decades of advancement later, that premise remains valid. Input determines output. Humans are wired somewhat similarly. What we put in determines what comes out. Much of […]

A Heavenly Design

Construction blueprints often include pictorial renderings of the future building. Sometimes a project owner has miniature model houses created in order to impose a mental imprint. Now no matter how realistic an architects’ prototype, it always points to something else. It represents a pattern for the real edifice. Prototypes are vitally important. They burn images into the minds of project […]